Get aboard the soaring battle against a terrorist, daughter of Osama, who is brilliant and deadly. She leads the reader on a series of American-shattering exploits.
You learn that there are some people, like Jake Crabtree who is born to the battle. First a DIA agent and then transformed into an independent hunter of the worst terrorists around. Based on author Ernie Moore’s experiences as a member of Army intelligence, a resident of Israel, writer and radio personality.
“One Time Messengers” is a faith-based action story like never before.
One Time Messengers is a film for an intellectual property based upon a faith-based book series featuring protagonist Jake Crabtree and is written by author Ernie Moore. We look to begin seeking funding and to begin pre-production sometime in 2025 once Naked & unashamed… As God Intended is completed. While there currently is not a funding round with rewards available, if this project interest you please reach out to us on our contact page to see how you can become an early contributor and become a part of the film and team.
We have also put together what is called a “concept trailer” which depicts, using existing footage from other properties, what this film could look like if fully funded.