Get aboard the soaring battle against a terrorist, daughter of Osama, who is brilliant and deadly. She leads the reader on a series of American-shattering exploits.

You learn that there are some people, like Jake Crabtree who is born to the battle. First a DIA agent and then transformed into an independent hunter of the worst terrorists around. Based on author Ernie Moore’s experiences as a member of Army intelligence, a resident of Israel, writer and radio personality.

“One Time Messengers” is a faith-based action story like never before.

One Time Messengers is a film for an intellectual property based upon a faith-based book series featuring protagonist Jake Crabtree and is written by author Ernie Moore. We look to begin seeking funding and to begin pre-production sometime in 2025 once Naked & unashamed… As God Intended is completed. While there currently is not a funding round with rewards available, if this project interest you please reach out to us on our contact page to see how you can become an early contributor and become a part of the film and team.

We have also put together what is called a “concept trailer” which depicts, using existing footage from other properties, what this film could look like if fully funded.


You can also read the books that inspired this thrilling tale! Click the image below to read the book that one Time Messengers will be based off of.